Domecast From Under The Dome

Domecast No. 30



Domecast, our weekly podcast on government and politics in North Carolina, is ready for the weekend of Nov. 21-22. The episode finds no shortage of controversial or curious stories in state politics, going deep on so-called pay-to-play dramas in the legislative and executive branches with reporters Joseph Neff and Craig Jarvis of The News & Observer and editor Patrick Gannon of The Insider. Neff also details the latest on Dana Cope, the former head of the State Employees Association of North Carolina sentenced to prison for thieving funds from the organization. The N&0's Bruce Siceloff discusses his story on truckers finding themselves the target of an unusual state campaign to punish violators of an obscure no-parking law. And, as always, we wrap up with nominees for Headliner of the Week. The N&O’s Andy Curliss hosts. The Domecast is available and can be subscribed to on iTunes. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit