Domecast From Under The Dome

Domecast No. 26



Domecast, our weekly podcast on government and politics in North Carolina, is ready for the weekend of Oct. 24-25. This week we spread our arms and sweep in myriad big-ticket topics from around state government: earmarks in the state’s new budget; lawmaker salaries and legislative schedule; and the $2 billion bond proposal that will go before voters in a matter of months. The News & Observer’s Colin Campbell and Craig Jarvis and The Insider’s Benjamin Brown go behind the microphones to discuss. Then The Insider’s Patrick Gannon and N&O intern Liz Bell join in for our Headliners of the Week. Can you guess our nominees? Andy Curliss of The N&O hosts. The Domecast is available and can be subscribed to on iTunes. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit