Domecast From Under The Dome

Domecast No. 25



Domecast, our weekly podcast on government and politics in North Carolina, is ready for the weekend of Oct. 17-18. Two Democrats, Roy Cooper and Deborah Ross, launched their campaigns for governor and U.S. Senate this week. The News & Observer's Craig Jarvis and Colin Campbell recap the big announcements. Andy Taylor, political science professor at N.C. State University, weighs in with analysis of the 2016 campaigns. A number of legislators and other elected officials say they won't run again next year. Patrick Gannon and Benjamin Brown of The Insider explain who's stepping down and why. Then The N&O's Taylor Knopf joins the other panelists for Headliners of the Week. Nominees include State Treasurer Janet Cowell, Department of Public Safety Secretary Frank Perry, Congresswoman Renee Ellmers, Board of Elections Chairman Josh Howard and Rep. Larry Pittman. Andy Curliss of The N&O hosts. The Domecast is available and can be subscribed to on iTunes. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit