Pundit Review Radio

Pundit Review Radio: Should you support the GOP this fall?



This weekend at Pundit Review Radio we picked up the debate among conservative bloggers whether or not it would be better for the GOP to lose in 2006, to take their medicine if you will. This position has been clearly articulated by Mark Tapscott. Jim Geherty of National Review has a different take, you never take the field to lose. Both sides of the arguement have valid points, but the bottom line for Pundit Review, the Democrats are simply too dangerous to put in charge of the war on terror, no matter how bad the GOP is. This is also available as a Podcast at iTunes. What is Pundit Review Radio? Pundit Review Radio is where the old media meets the new. Each week Kevin & Gregg give voice to the work of the most influential leaders in the new media/citizen journalist revolution. Hailed as “Groundbreaking” by Talkers Magazine, this unique show brings the best of the blogs to your radio every Sunday evening at 8pm EST on AM680 WRKO, Boston’s Talk Leader.