Pundit Review Radio

Pundit Review Radio 2005 Year in Review



Pundit Review Radio is where the old media meets the new. Each week Kevin & Gregg give voice to the work of the most influential leaders in the new media/citizen journalist revolution. This unique show brings the best of the blogs to your radio every Sunday evening at 8pm EST on AM680 WRKO, Boston’s Talk Station. The Pundit Review blog was a finalist for a 2005 Weblog Award (The Oscars of the blogging world) in the media/journalist category along with such heavyweights as milblogger Michael Yon, the Wall Street Journal’s James Taranto, Vanity Fair’s James Walcott, syndicated columnist Mark Steyn and Slate’s Mickey Kaus. This show is a look back at the year in political blogging, 2005.