

In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Eric Geiger, Todd Adkins, and Daniel Im continue the series on recruiting volunteers with the focus on types of recruiting. During their conversation, they discuss the following questions: What are the different types of volunteer roles in the church? How do you recruit these different types of volunteers? What are the main reasons that people give for not volunteering in the church? How do you respond to a volunteer who doesn’t have the time? How do you ensure you honor the time and commitment of your volunteers? BEST QUOTES “Even within a volunteer level there are different types of roles. Some of those are weekly or biweekly, but some are really based on trust and level of responsibility.” “When you use your offering time as a way to cast vision for a ministry area, you can excite people about the ministry area without sounding desperate that you need more volunteers.” “If you leapfrog your own pipeline, you don’t get an opportunity to se