Real Estate Investor Huddle

Why Data Stacking Is The Secret Weapon of Successful Investors w/Jeff Cohn



The most effective and successful marketing campaigns for real estate investors don’t happen by chance - they are the result of the right data, the right medium, the right message, and most importantly going after the right people.    The investors with the right tools are the ones who will win and scale, especially when they are backed by sophisticated marketing systems. Data stacking is one of the most powerful ways to zone into the avatar properties and sellers who will take action on our direct mail marketing.    What products do we need to be taking advantage of to scale? How can we clearly define the properties we need to be going after?    In this episode, we talk to CEO of KWElite and host of The Team Building podcast, Jeff Cohn. We share the tools that can help agents and investors market more effectively.  Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode  Why direct mail still works so wellA lot of businesses are missing out on opportunities by just being digital. Direct mail is still a highly effective m