Greetings From Allentown

GFA Live #43: WWF Superstars 01-07-1995 (Mantaur debut)



On this edition of GFA Live, Peter and Keithie talk about the January 7, 1995 edition of WWF Superstars! (and some other stuff, of course!) Topics of discussion include: * Keithie adds one more to his "Sandman List" * A rant about repetitive Royal Rumble finishes * Replacing Pettengill with "Vince McMahon" to recite the 95 Rumble lineup * A bizarre promo from Diesel on Bret Hart * Lex Luger as a history teacher * Seeing an actual Mantaur match * Breaking down the storm scene from The Karate Kid Part II: The bizarre demographics of Tomi Village, Daniel helping the girl, Sato's final heel promo, Dennis Martinez Guy and his side eye, and more! Lineup: 1-2-3 Kid and Bob Holly vs Well Dunn Bob Backlund vs Bob Knight Mabel vs Iron Mike Sharpe Heartbreak Hotel segment with King Kong Bundy, Ted DiBiase, and Bob Backlund British Bulldog vs. Mike Khoury Mantaur vs. Walt Snow (Mantaur’s debut) Email: Twitter: