Foundation Church

Can I Get a Witness?



In this passage, Luke catches his breath and hits rewind on the story to take us back to the death of Stephen and the results it had on the church scattering away from Jerusalem and Judea. Luke gives us four scenes with four people(s) that capture a stunning picture of the Gospel in action and the Church serving as a witness to the end of the earth. Discipleship Questions: 1. The first characters we are introduced to in our story are the “unnamed” men who preach the Gospel to Gentiles. Have you ever shared the gospel with someone you didn’t have much in common with? What were some of the challenges and how did you find common ground? (think about the common realities of all humans: brokenness, sin, struggle, etc) 2. The second character is Barnabas who the text describes as a “good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith” who saw the grace of God in the belief and salvation of the Gentiles. Have you ever been “upset” because Jesus saved someone; maybe someone who hurt you, treated you poorly, etc? Has yo