Foundation Church

God's Plan, Not Ours



Saul had a radical plan against the early Church, but Jesus met him on the road to Damascus and saved him. Saul tried to spread the gospel in Damascus and Jerusalem, but the Lord changed his plan on each occasion finally sending him to the Gentiles. The Lord may change our plans and we have to decide if we're going to be ok with that or feel defeated. Community Group Questions: 1) Have you had an important plan for your life that was changed? How did you feel when things changed? Were you frustrated with God? 2) If your plans changed how did it turn out? 3) Saul felt that fleeing the city in the middle of the night was defeat. Have you ever felt defeated before? 4) How did you over come the situation or your feeling of defeat? 5) Do you struggle with the notion that the revelation comes from Jesus Christ or are you comfortable with that? 6) What does walking in the Fear of Lord look like to you?