Foundation Church

When the Triumphant Savior Invades the Militant Heart



Acts 9:1-19 places on full display two fundamental aspects of the Christian life: (1) How the Lord Jesus works in the heart of those whom he saves; those who once found themselves standing in opposition to him. Every sinner apart from Christ stands in opposition to the risen Lord, but when that same Lord desires through the Holy Spirit, to make alive the soul that was once dead, nothing, not even the militant heart, can stand in the way. (2) How even the difficult challenges and surprises that come as a result of following Christ in obedience, reveal to each of us very important truths about our fears and our faith. But regardless of the challenges and surprises, we can have confidence that the Lord Jesus is with us and is in charge of it all. Discipleship Questions: 1. When the Lord saved you (if you can remember), what were some of the circumstances that surrounded your life? 2. If there was one person (family, friends, or famous/infamous personality) that you would be shocked to find out, given their