Foundation Church

Called to Serve



The early church was led by 12 Apostles. Eleven of these men were personally appointed by Jesus and the twelfth was then selected by the 11. They were responsible for everything from a leadership position. At this point, there had not been real opposition so the whole church was still in Jerusalem. But as the church grew, problems arose that led to the need for more leadership. The Apostles’ approach to this growing need gives us great insight and advice on how to solve similar needs in our churches today. Discipleship Questions: 1. Read John 21:15-18: Jesus tells Peter that loving Him meant caring for the flock. This is what a shepherd is called to do. A shortage of shepherding power in a congregation can lead to a variety of issues. Discuss some examples of issues you have seen over the years that could be attributed to not enough shepherding of the flock? 2. There were two styles of delegating mentioned in the sermon. When delegating to: - Workers: the more prep in organization and clear instructions t