Foundation Church

Kingdom Vision



Our Church’s Vision is placed firmly on the foundation of Jesus Christ. However, in this life which is marked by sin and brokenness, it can be difficult to see how God is at work. This letter from Paul to the Corinthians reminds us that Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection is a treasure. Even though we feel the effects of weakness and even death, God is showing us there is life Jesus. God is bringing about his Kingdom ushered in by Jesus and guaranteed by his death and resurrection. We need eyes of faith with a Vision towards Jesus’ Kingdom Work in us and our church. Discipleship Questions: 1. What is the treasure Paul speaks of in verse 7? 2. Why is it necessary for us to be weak in order for God’s power to be shown? 3. What is significant about how Paul sees death, especially Jesus’ death? 4. Where do you struggle to see God at work in difficult circumstances? 5. Where do find hope to keep living on mission in a broken, sinful world?