Foundation Church

Mutual Encouragement



In this passage, Paul longed to get face to face with the Christians in Rome. He knew of them and had correspondence with them but hadn’t yet been able to see them in person. This cry drove Paul to pray that God would make a way for the visit. For Foundation Church, we too have a deep longing to visit Christians and churches on the mission field. The church supports 5 church planters and their families in Ethiopia. Our conviction is that face to face relationship is critical in this Kingdom partnership. Like Paul, we desired mutual encouragement from the trip. We prayed for the opportunity. God was gracious and faithful to provide that and to set our hearts towards further expansion of His Kingdom, for His glory. Discipleship Questions: 1. What drove Paul’s longing for this face to face gathering with the Christians in Rome? 2. Why is prayer vital in the life of the church? 3. After hearing stories of the Church Planters and their daily experience, how do you respond? How are you encouraged? How are you d