Foundation Church

Self-Made vs. God-Made



Isaiah’s oracle against Jerusalem focuses on one man, Shebnah who is in every way self-made. He is fully reliant on the works of his hands to make a name for himself. God exposes his sin and shame to the people of Jerusalem. He exposes us as well. We too are guilty of relying on the works of our hands to achieve success. For both Jerusalem and for us, God’s shows hope and redemption through the person of Eliakim who is a foreshadow of the true and better Eliakim - Jesus Christ. If we are God-Made in Christ, the shame is removed and we are given a place of honor in the very household of God. Discipleship Questions: 1. Why does Isaiah continue to weep over Jerusalem? 2. How does Shebnah bring shame upon himself? 3. In what specific ways are you attempting to achieve success apart from God? 4. Describe what it’s like to be in the place of honor as God’s adopted child? 5. How will you live as a child who’s been set free from sin and shame?