Foundation Church

Salvation Belongs to God



As the waves of sin and evil bash against our everyday lives, who or what do you look to for salvation? The answer to this question reveals who you believe God to be. He’s either impotent and standing distant or he is God, ruling history and bringing about salvation. Isaiah warns us against alliances with the gods of this world. They may offer what seems to be protection from sin and evil, but they will surely fail. God and God alone brings salvation for His people. Discipleship Questions: 1. Can you identify with the waves of threat the people of Judah experienced? If so, in what ways? 2. How are you tempted to make an alliance with a god of this world to save you or your family from the everyday threats of sin and evil? 3. Read Revelation 4-5 out loud. How does this vision of the throne room of Heaven change your view of God? 4. How does seeing Jesus as the lamb of God and the conquering lion give you reassurance that God is working out salvation in history?