Foundation Church

Salvation For All



Our focus now turns towards the nation of Cush, a great and powerful African empire that God brings into covenant love by defeating a common enemy. The significance of this as great, and even greater when we consider the implication for us as missionaries and those who have been reached by God’s covenant love through Jesus. Discipleship Questions: 1. Why are God’s mighty acts of power in the scriptures meant not only for his people but the other nations also? 2. What do you know about the nation of Cush? Why do you think we learned so little about them in school? 3. Why is God’s action of defeating the Assyrians ultimately an act of salvation for Cush also? 4. Read Acts 8:26-39. In light of Isaiah 18:17 how does this passage make more sense? 5. What has been your experience with racism in the Church? What is a biblical and gospel-centered response to racism?