Foundation Church




Work can take many forms in our lives, but one thing is certain. We all work. God created us to work. However, in a world marred by sin and brokenness, work is difficult and often painful. If we’re honest, many times our first response to these difficulties is to complain. Paul confronts this issue of complaining and ties it to the effectiveness of our witness in a lost and dying world. When we complain we lack hope, we lack hope that Jesus is our savior and is bringing about salvation and restoration in this world. But there is good news, Jesus gives us hope and causes deep change in us that will overflow to the world around us. Discipleship Questions: 1. What comes to mind when you think of work? 2. What areas of your life are you prone to complain? How has your complaining affected the people around you? 3. Explain how complaining is often tied to a lack of hope. 4. Where does our hope come from and why does that matter? 5. Give an example of a time when you didn’t complain, but rather worked constru