Foundation Church

Radical Generosity



What gets you the most excited? In this passage, Paul recounts a story of generosity among the Macedonians. They were excited in a most radical way. Despite enduring hardship and poverty, they gave money to support a group of Christians from Judea. Nothing would stop them -- joy and love overflowed for those Christians. Paul makes it clear that we too need to overflow with love. Love that is marked by the concrete act of generosity. In fact, without generosity towards the people of Jesus’ church, our love isn’t proved genuine. With the stakes this high, we must rely God’s grace to produce deep heart change that results in an overflow of love and generosity. Discipleship Questions: 1. What excites you the most? 2. When you think of generosity, what comes to mind? 3. Explain how Jesus’ love for his church, the bride of Christ, would compel us to love the church. 4. Give an example of how you’ve been so moved in your heart (excited) to love the church or someone in the church, that you gave generously. 5