Foundation Church

The Devastation of Sin & the Depths of God's Mercy



We don’t often think about the devastation of sin, and if we do, it’s usually accompanied by despair rather than hope in the gospel. Isaiah, in this passage, puts sin and judgement front and center. He does so by comparing the people of Israel to a crop of bad grapes. God had given Israel everything needed to produce good fruit, but they rejected God. Isaiah grieves this total rejection of God’s grace. We too need to grieve. Our sin is every bit as devastating as the sin of Israel. Our hearts are hard and incapable of producing good fruit. But rather than despair, we need to turn and look at God’s mercy. Because of his great love for us, he sent his son Jesus to die as the just punishment for our sin and gives us new life in Christ. Discipleship Questions 1. When you are confronted with sin, how does that make you feel? 2. Explain what it means for someone to have a hard heart. 3. How have you rejected God’s grace by preferring other things over God himself? 4. What is the Holy Spirit teaching you about