Foundation Church

Security in the Time of Terror



Implicit in the human condition is the desire to find our comfort, security and salvation outside of God’s love for us in Jesus Christ and this is not OK. So, is it possible to take comfort in the anger of God toward sin, especially when we know that we are one of the guilty parties? Only when we understand Idolatry for what it is and respond to the grace of God for us. Discipleship Questions: 1. Read Isaiah 2:6-22. What stood out to you in the passage, why? 2. How would you explain idolatry? Discuss your explanation with the group. 3. Why is Idolatry such a big deal to God? 4. When God reveals his glory all the idols are consumed (v17-19), why do you think that is? 5. How can we hope in God amidst his promises to destroy idols?