3 Minutes With Kent

Don't Trick TypeScript



Hey friends So today I was writing a blog post as I often do and I wanted to ask a question of some TypeScript folks always in the Tit script community and my question sparked a long discussion kind of argument between people about whether a assertion function is tricking the compiler if you're not throwing an error in the function. So let me explain I actually recently wrote a blog post about the different function syntaxes that you have in TypeScript and one of the things that you can do is make an assertion.Function and basically what that does is you say, hey type script this function asserts that the given argument is of a certain type. And so therefore you can do some type narrowing by calling that function. So say you've got a an array and you want to filter out anything that's not a number then you can write a filter function that asserts that things are or maybe rather not filtering out a number but you want to make sure that everything's a number and so if one of them isn't a number then you want to