3 Minutes With Kent

Write the code first, then make the abstraction



Hey friends, just something that I've been thinking about recently is this acronym that I came up with a few years ago. It's AHA and it's pronounced aha and so that's aha programming and it stands for avoid hasty abstractions and this is actually a blog post that I wrote with some time ago and it talks a lot about how like dry do not repeat yourself as to dugmatic and wet programming which is a variant of that is right everything twice is also. Two dogmatic and more we should be more mindful of the types of abstractions that we create and and I talk a lot about in the blog post, which I suggest you go take a look at but one part of this and is at kind of the micro level and that's what I have been thinking about recently just today. As you're working on a new feature or something is really really often in my programming at least I'm working through something and I start I'm thinking about how I'm going to implement something and I instantly decide okay, I'm going to need.A function that does this And so often