3 Minutes With Kent

The future is on the edge



Hey friends the future is the edge We've got the now-fight edge thing CloudFlare workers things we want to be able to deploy our code and have it run as close to the user as possible. Before it's always just been static files that you put on a CDN like Akamai or Cloudflare or fastify or something like that because that's really easy to do. You just you deploy and then the provider will send these static files all around the world to their servers and and then users can get those files really quickly, but anytime you needed to get data you had to go to wherever the data.To the center was. And so that like pretty much doing a server rendered application would require that at some point you're going to be going to to have to go to some central place to to get that data. And so it's going to end up being slow. And like in particular for server side rendering stuff it. It's not very useful unless you are doing stuff with data anyway. So things are changing. We've got these contour workers, so you can actually run