3 Minutes With Kent

Create git-ignored playground files in your project



So one thing that I do, you know, how you like you do something just you've done it forever and then when you show it to somebody they're like blown away like, oh man, what a good idea, whatever nobody is said that to me on this one but I thought I'd be one of those things that um that I just do it naturally in and you might find it to be useful so in my global git ignore for my machine. I have a pattern for ignoring anything that includes the text dot ignored dot and and so then I can create a folder.That's like temp dot ignored dot staff or more often I'll create a file that's like temp dot ignored dot js and what this allows me to do is I create a file like that within my project that I just want to play around with stuff and I don't want to have to install all the same dependencies in a different project or whatever and I don't want to mess up the other files that I have in my project and then I can mess around with things and I do this a lot for interacting with third-party APIs, I'm just trying to learn