Faith Talks

067 - Remember Your POSITION! Part 1



Have any of these questions ever crossed your mind? Have I confessed the Word enough to get healed? Should I speak to the mountain once then ignore it, or should I speak to it several times? If I do that am I still in faith? Have I done too much binding and not enough loosing, or not enough binding and too much loosing? Should I just be praising God for my answer now, or should I still be speaking to the problem? Am I saying/doing everything right? And the result is frustration and confusion and eventually, we are tempted to give up fighting the fight of faith because it’s all too confusing and hard. Sometimes we can get so caught up in what we are or aren’t doing right in our walk of faith, that we forget that victory over our circumstances isn’t a formula, it’s a position! We have to REMEMBER OUR POSITION! We are not the sick fighting FOR healing, we are already the healed using the spiritual weapons God has given us to MAINTAIN our position of victory over the symptoms that are trying to talk us