3 Minutes With Kent

Why I love Magic ✨ Login Links



Hey friends So I am working on a rewrite of my website can see downs.com and one thing that I'm adding is user accounts so you can set up an account and I'm not going to tell you why you might want to do that. I have a little bit of a surprise. But the reason that I mentioned this is because I'm using Firebase authentication and I started out with the username and password regular old username password sort of thing that you're used to. And it worked pretty well. I had a password reset. I had forgot my password. I had changed password and updated email all that stuff was all implemented butIn as I was working on all of this I started to I think personally I actually really like the magic link for stuff because for various reasons it's it's incredibly more secure. So like if I were to have a data breach which of course, it wouldn't be me it would be Firebase I would have the data breach. So, I'm not really worried about that. But if that were to happen or rather for services that I use I prefer and that they u