Leadership Matters

Special Encore Presentation: Challenge the Process



During the month of September, we will continue to explore the 5 practices of exemplary leadership put forth by Kouzes and Posner in one of the best-selling leadership books of all time: The Leadership Challenge. This episode will focus on the practice of “challenging the process.” Kouzes (2007) states, “Leaders search for opportunities to innovate, grow, and improve.” Leaders change the future by innovating new products and services, developing groundbreaking technology, implementing new methods for engaging the citizenry and they do it by “challenging the process.” Dr. G and guests Gerald McFadden, President/CEO of Volunteers of America Southwest CA and Undraye Howard, Vice President of Intellectual Capital at the Alliance for Children and Families in Milwaukee, WI will discuss how to effectively challenge the status quo while minding relationships and maintaining critical stakeholder alignment. Ways to uncover possibilities, foster innovation, leverage different ideas, create opportunities and inspire solu