Leadership Matters

Model the Way



During the month of September, we will continue to explore the 5 practices of exemplary leadership put forth by Kouzes and Posner in one of the best-selling leadership books of all time: The Leadership Challenge. This episode will focus on the practice of “Modeling the Way.” Kouzes (2007) states, “Leaders create standards of excellence and then set an example for others to follow.” Leading by example means modeling the behaviors you want your team to have—walk the talk. People admire leaders who believe strongly in something, and who stand up for those beliefs. Today Dr. G and guests Evonda Thomas, Director, Evanston Health Department, Evanston, Illinois and Mindy Mulligan, Head Start Area Director, Neighborhood House Association, San Diego, California will discuss how leaders foster powerful examples in organizations; find their voice and clarify values; identify and build consensus around shared values and build and maintain credibility in modeling the way.