3 Minutes With Kent

Tests the tests by making them fail



https://kentcdodds.com/blog/make-your-test-fail Hello there friends. I'm just driving now. I was thinking about a blog post that I wrote a while ago. I think it was called break your tests or something like that, but the idea is that it's just really easy to write a test that passes and so you feel really good about it this this especially happens if you're testing after you've already implemented something if you're doing TDD this is maybe less of a problem, but it's really easy to write a test that's green and we're happy with it and,So we commit it and we move on and then we later find out that that test wasn't running to completion or it was the it wasn't testing what we thought it was testing wasn't making the right assertions or something and so it wasn't actually doing what we thought it was and so then the thing that we were intending to test ends up breaking in that test doesn't doesn't save us from that and so what I suggest that you do is you take the time to actually try and make the thing that yo