Faith Talks

072 - Praying Effectively For Others - Lynette Richards with Patsy Cameneti



Do you have unsaved loved ones that you want to see receive salvation? Or maybe they’re in bondage to addictions, mental heath issues, or sinful lifestyle?  There is a way you can pray to see those people’s lives turned around and transformed by the power of God! Recently, my mother Lynette Richards was interviewed by our pastor Patsy Cameneti at Rhema Family Church in Brisbane. My mother is a powerful and committed prayer who knows her authority over the devil. By praying the prayer of authority for unsaved family members she has seen her whole family come to the Lord. In addition to this, mum’s passion and ministry is to partner with people in prayer and pray with them for issues they are experiencing in their lives, such as relationship issues, children with diagnoses, and emotional problems. Through consistent, effective prayer, mum has seen amazing breakthroughs and results in her own family and in the lives of the people she partners with. Be empowered and encouraged that there is nothing that is i