Real Estate Investor Huddle

Neighbourhood Prospecting: How Granular Do You Have to Get to Generate the Right Seller Leads?



When it comes to our prospecting efforts, there are two approaches we can take - general or targeted.    It’s easy to think that going general is better, cheaper and smarter, but that could contribute to a lack of results. Narrowing our focus and refining our data upfront will actually get us a higher return on our overall efforts.    But how narrow and targeted can we get? How can we achieve more by refining the kind of properties we go after?    In this episode, you’ll learn how to improve your marketing results by getting more specific.  Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode    The key to finding the opportunities in our markets  How do we identify a good neighborhood that has a wealth of opportunities for both traditional sales and investing deals?    Why a targeted list leads to more opportunity How do we get a better ROI by spending more time and money upfront to get the most whittled-down targeted lists?   When we should consider spending more on our marketing At what point in the lead gen proces