Father Snort

A Mystery Beyond My Comprehension, and That's Enough For Me - Audio



The Rev. Brad Sullivan Emmanuel Episcopal Church June 20, 2021 Proper 7, B Job 38:1-11 2 Corinthians 6:1-13 Mark 4:35-41 A Mystery Beyond My Comprehension, and That’s Enough For Me I don’t remember the first time I heard the story of Jesus sleeping through a terrible wind storm at sea and then silencing the storm with a word, but I imagine it went something like this. I heard the story and then went, “Wow, how’d he do that?” “Well,” I was told, “Jesus is God.” “Oh, ok.” See I was never all that amazed by Jesus’ miracles. Not that his miracles weren’t amazing, but starting from a place of believing Jesus is God, it seemed totally natural that Jesus could control the weather, heal people, multiply food. Jesus, being God made all of this, everything, “laid the foundation of the earth…when the morning stars sang together and all the heavenly beings shouted for joy,” so of course he could do any