Tara Lee Davis's Podcast

Grapes and Grasshoppers



The spies were sent into the land, which God has promised them in advance, for 40 days to investigate.  10 spies came back talking of the giants that inhabited the land, 2 spies came back saying that the land was theirs to take and that anything was possible because God was with them.  Because of their murmuring, complaining, groaning and grumbling, the Lord was angry and turned them back into their wilderness where they would wander for 40 years until every single of them died off.  What is louder to God, our worship and praise or our grumblings and complaining?  Was it the report that our lives speak of?  Do we spur others on in faith or cause them to shrink back in unbelief?  Yes, the grapes are big.  Yes, the giants are bigger.  But God is greater even still.  How sad it would be if we, just like the Israelites, forgot all that God has done for us and wasted the rest of our lives wandering aimlessly in the wilderness waiting to die, all because we didn't take God at His Word.