Charles Adler Tonight

The Full Show: More mixed messaging when it comes to covid vaccines - this time form the World Health Organization, a dissolving oral covid vaccine is in the works and reacting to the racist abuse thrown towards three English soccer players



WHO is advising against mixing and matching Covid vaccines. How lack of clarity on Covid-19 and vaccination is fueling distrust in science. Who is to blame? More mixed messaging when it comes to covid vaccines  Guest - Cynthia Carr - Winnipeg epidemiologist; health policy specialist; and founder of EPI Research Inc. Does Erin O’Toole have fighting chances for a majority? How will Erin O'Toole fair in the next election?  Guest - Lorne Gunter - Edmonton Sun  political columnist The Canadian company developing a dissolving oral covid-19 vaccine strips. How will it work? A dissolving covid vaccine? It could be available sooner than you think.  Guest - Mark Upsdell - Rapid Dose Therapeutics CEO  - Toronto Social media expert reacts to trolls and racist comments towards three black England black players. They lost on penalty kicks at the Euro2020 finals How do social media platforms combat abuse and why do these sorts of things occur?  Guest - Jesse Miller - Social Media expert and founder of Mediated Re