Diy Marketing For Online Entrepreneurs With Silvia Isachsen

Episode #4 20 Tips for using Facebook Go Live to Grow Your Business



I'm sure you've noticed Facebook's new feature GLive. It allows you to stream live on your business page. Wow! I can think of 101 ways that this new hot feature can help you grow your audience, build your know,like and trust factor and be a useful products or services sales and support tool. So...why isn't everyone using this freaking fantastic new tool? In my opinion, it's for one or more of the following reason; it's new, it's unknown, it requires people to be live on camera and that just freaks some people out and last but not least it requires some strategy, purpose and ability to act natural on camera.  I created this podcast to encourage those of you who would like to try but just need some tips on how to create and maintain a great live stream that enhances your business. Quote: “In five years, most of Facebook will be video,” CEO Mark Zuckerberg