Forest Spirituality With Julie Brett

Samhain Meditation



My apologies for a long absence! In this episode I check in a bit about where I've been and where you can find out about the DDUDE talks (Druids Down Under Discuss Everything) that I have been working on. Find them here at the SerpentStar OBOD channel: Due to bushfires and COVID-19 life has changed a great deal in the last few months. Personal struggles made it hard for me to get podcasts out, however community adaptation in these times of adversity has meant some great developments and this meditation is one of them! Created by Kacey Stephensen with some little effects added by me, it was made for the SHOBODO event 1-10th May 2020, for our Samhain ritual. I hope you enjoy the journey it takes you on to seek the wisdom of the Cailleach and the ancestors. Many blessings of the season to you! Julie