Practice Of Being Seen

Kristoffer Carter: Permission to be a Unicorn



In this conversation with dad, yogi, meditation teacher, and entrepreneur KC Carter, you get spiritual truths, self-deprecating humor, brilliant social and political insights, and lines like: We’re all pieces of jagged glass in a turbulent sea and we’re all just trying to end up with some beautiful piece of seaglass eventually. We know that relationships are a key aspect of the Practice of Being Seen so we asked KC for his ideas and insights about relationships. Listen in as KC discusses how people are drawn to those who will share the messy, uncomfortable parts of their lives. They need to see that humanness in order to make a connection. A strong meditation practice is fundamental to KC’s personal and professional success. We talked about how sobriety plays a key role in KC’s life. You can learn more about his program, New Sobriety, to help you shift e your relationship with “the drinks”: When we explored how the KC’s devotion to meditation and