Explore Your Enthusiasm, With Tara Swiger | Craft | Art | Business

265: 10 years of self-employment: What I've learned



You guys, I have been self-employed for TEN YEARS, this week! That is really unbelievable to me, because I had no idea what to expect when I quit my dayjob to make yarn full-time. I have learned so much, struggled so much, and had weird unexpected successes (like improving my credit score, and earning a lifetime achievement award at Midwest Craftcon?). Today I want to look back on it with you, and share some reflections that may help you in your own business journey. I have been running a business full-time, since July 1, 2009. I quit a dayjob in an office, in part because I worked for a state university (an administrative assistant in HR) and the state cut funding, so there was a hiring freeze and a buyout. I applied for buyout and took it (it paid for us to pay off the car, and rent a UHaul to move), because I had grown the business to replace my day job salary most months. I actually talk more about my business journey in the very first episode of the podcast, and you’re going to hear it again next week! A