Explore Your Enthusiasm, With Tara Swiger | Craft | Art | Business

264: Summer Reading Resources



It’s summer! And that means it is time for summer reading. This may be the time where you’re spending more time than ever with your family and you just need a break with a book! I get so many questions about how I read so much, what books I recommend, that I wanted to put together a whole resource episode with absolutely everything - my best tips, the tools I use, the sites I read, the books I recommend for your business and for your summer. Usually I talk about running a business and mindset and once a month I share what I’m reading, but here’s the truth: I’m recording this ahead of time before it’s even June, so I can’t tell you what I read in June. And I’m taking a break from the podcast to spend my summer with my foster kids and with lots of books and the pool. But no fear! You’ll still get episodes every single week, because I planned WAY ahead! What better way to go into the summer than to talk about what I love best about summer, which is ALSO the number one key to building my business: books! Everythi