Explore Your Enthusiasm, With Tara Swiger | Craft | Art | Business

261: 37th Birthday Lessons



It's my birthday month, and that means it's time to review my year and share the lessons I learned from another year on the earth. Each year, on my birthday, I share a  bit about my birthday review process. Just like we do at the new year, I look at what was great, what wasn't, and what lessons is my life teaching me? To do this birthday review, I use the monthly questions found in my book, Map Your Business. The book has these questions every month for 12 months, so you can start whenever, and make reviewing your month (and planning for the next) a regular part of your business (and life!). You can find the book at on Amazon. At the bottom of this post, I've linked to all the past birthday posts - they go back 10 years - this will be the eleventh! And I gotta tell you, I read back through last year's transcript and it was SO GOOD. I needed to re-hear the lessons I learned last year! This year, it was epic.  Big big changes in our lives! The not-so-good stuff Before I get to the good stuff and lessons, I want