Explore Your Enthusiasm, With Tara Swiger | Craft | Art | Business

253: Q&A with my husband!



Ever wonder what it’s like to work with me?  Or to work with your spouse? Today we, both Jay and I, are going to answer your questions! Jay has worked in my business on and off for years, and in the last few years we have had a lot of new adventures - from working full-time in my business, to pursuing his dream to open a comic shop, to fostering babies! In this episode we answer questions about guilt, what it’s like when one of us gets to follow our dream (and the other doesn’t), the hardest part of working together full-time, how Jay feels about me being in the limelight, the best part of foster care, why we rent, and the real work Jay has had to do as we make huge changes in our life. And yeah, we talk about how the patriarchy feels some kind of way about a husband working for the wife, and why we just don’t care. We wrap up with our advice for couples who want to work together. Thank you to listeners who asked their question: Bylaurenbarber Twinsetjan Lea-ann (Knitting Today) Michelle (Made by Mee) Dawn