Explore Your Enthusiasm, With Tara Swiger | Craft | Art | Business

250: Q+A: Schedules, Toddlers and Why We Do Foster Care



In celebration of my 250th episode, I’m answering your questions! Last week I asked my Instagram followers to ask me question and I will answer them today! We’re going to talk about how to stick with a schedule, how my schedule has changed with a toddler and how we decided to do foster care. If you’re not following me on Instagram, I’m @TaraSwiger and I share more on all these topics every single day in my stories, along with my knitting and sewing projects and my reading list,  so go follow and then comment on my last post to say hello! The questions I answer in this episode: From @bandofweirdos: Congrats, that's a ton of episodes! I so admire your consistency