Explore Your Enthusiasm, With Tara Swiger | Craft | Art | Business

How to stop being hard on yourself



Do you find yourself distracted with how you could have done something better? Or sidetracked thinking about the mistakes you made? Are you just too hard on yourself? Guess what? Me too! Today I’m going to share how I’ve been working on NOT being so hard on myself so I can move forward! Today we’re going to talk about something I’ve gotten so much feedback on: Being hard on yourself. Now, most of us want to be better, right? We want to streamline, optimize, and improve all the time. That’s great and useful...but not when it comes with a dose of beating yourself over everything that needs to be improved and optimized. Not if you’re getting so bogged down in what’s “wrong” that you can’t shift into action. This is on my mind because a  few days ago I posted on Instagram Stories, that I noticed that I am really hard on myself when it comes to basically every parenting interaction. I'm always thinking: Oh, I could have done that better...I should have reacted differently...Ugh, I wish I had stayed calmer. (What s