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241: Turn a bad day around: mental health checklist



Having a hard day? Me too! When I’m having a not-optimal mental health day my best tool is simple- a checklist! Today I’m sharing my own checklist & helping you make yours. ALL THE MENTAL HEALTH THINGS: Feeling hopeless? Get help! Now! https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ https://www.nami.org/Find-Support Feeling awful? Before you give up, go through this checklist. This list is meant to give you ideas, not replace professional help. Anxiety and depression and my own story here:: https://youtu.be/WoVDD1bDyvI HOW I DEALT WITH ANXIETY ONE YEAR LATER: https://youtu.be/40PxTeleO24 BASICS:  Wake up same time  Sunlight in your eyeballs  Vitamins! (I take Lifelong Vitality – here’s why: https://youtu.be/zLaoVKvAfGw)  Mindfulness Start with Headspace! https://hdsp.co/e/Mg2Lbx4BqS  Log your mood: http://moodnotes.thriveport.com/ HOW EMOTIONS ARE MADE: https://youtu.be/7EWgw7mI80c PODCASTS FOR WHEN I CANT FOCUS: The Hilarious World of Depression Dear Hank and John By The Book Nerdette Jen Gotch is OK…Sometim