Explore Your Enthusiasm, With Tara Swiger | Craft | Art | Business

239: How to plan the best year ever



How can you plan to have the best year? Not just get everything done, but have a year you actually enjoy? It is both important to reach the goals you have set, and enjoy your time. What’s the point in building a business if you aren’t enjoying yourself? You’re never going to feel like you’re done in business. You’ll always be changing, growing, setting goals. THAT is what building a business is. So be sure that you enjoy the process of moving towards the goal, as much as you think you’ll enjoy actually reaching the goal. A couple tips as you sit down to do your New Year Planning: 1. How do you want to feel? How do you want to feel as you work on your goal? How do you want to feel when you reach your goal? (Check out the Desire Map for more on feelings + goals). You can bring these feelings into your planning - how can you feel this feeling RIGHT NOW? It can be hard to plan, if you feel scared or compressed. So before you plan, get in a great mood. 2. Make a list of the things that make you feel how you want t