Yes, You Can! With Virginia Phillips Podcast

Episode 28: The Need for an SEO Expert



With the massive growth of internet users throughout the world, how significant is it to be on top of Google searches? How do you get yourself found in an ocean of websites? Our guest, Tom Casano, takes us briefly to the rather mind-boggling world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). He shares some bits and pieces of SEO lingo and gives an overview of what makes a “keyword”, how you can align your content with the people you are looking for, and  how search engine algorithms affect your page rank. He also talks about the following: -What does it mean to have a comprehensive content to drive more traffic? -How does linking back with other credible websites impact your presence on the Internet? -What do you look for when hiring an SEO team for your business? We got to tell you, it’s going to be technical, and that’s a good thing!