Podlander Drunkcast: An Outlander Podcast

Episode 53 - Outlander S3E12, "The Bakra"



Hey, please read this note. Julie and I (Allison) screwed up. This is a funny episode, we think — god, we hope so — and we had not one but TWO amazing guests, and we got to talk about Lotte Verbeek a lot, so, win. But we were vaguely dissatisfied with the show's handling of slavery, and talked about it as such, wrapped the episode, and went home happy. Then we woke up the next morning, thought about it some more, and realized that yeah, we screwed up. The thing about white privilege is that it's based on the idea that white people are always centered in the narrative, and you can be "woke" and still be totally ignorant of the constant, insidious ways that society and culture sideline people of color in favor of whiteness, even in stories about people of color. So we sat our white asses down, accepted that somehow this story was about how Claire felt about buying a slave, thought for about five minutes afterward, and totally failed you all  — both of us as people failed, and I in particular as a critic failed.