Bloody Mary Bible Brunch

Bloody Mary Bible Brunch: Death and the Bible Ep.8



Afterlife 2 –  Hell: horror film theology Hell is a coexistent place – different realms – Joss Wheldon Demons exist there as a different species Cf. fallen heavenly beings. Exorcist – other being not bound by the same abilities – Bazuzu could evoke the wind Note that Angels never possess people Segregated realms; cf not playful jin; elves & sprites Demons are in the Bible – including knowing the demons names Reality of Hell as understood by Jesus Place of Torment Compare burning trash heap Who goes there? Those who fail to help the Poor, hungry, thirsty, naked and imprisoned Who does not go there ? Gay people, People who have abortions, Divorced people, those who commit adultery  Liberal alternatives to hell It’s real no one’s there It’s being in the presence – which is hell for the wicked