Access Rosedale

Episode 07 -Staff Core Values - Part 3 of 3



Access Rosedale Podcast Introduction to the Podcast: Welcome to the Access Rosedale Podcast. Each month we will sit down and share insights about leadership, processes, and the culture of Rosedale Baptist Church. RBC is a leading church in Baltimore, Maryland that is pastored by Scott Tewell. Please join us each month for insights and strategies that have the ability to improve your ministry. We hope you have fun along the way! Episode 7: Core Values Part 3: In this episode, we will talk about our last two core values. Our core values set who we are, our vision, how we function, and our culture. The last two core values are Striving to make it better, and We acknowledge and reward. Takeaways from this episode: • Have a safe environment where you can disagree. • Put your ideas out there and don’t be so emotionally attached to your idea that you can’t recognize someone else has a better idea. • A lot of times we gloss over things because we are to busy patting ourselves on the back for what a good job we did.